Sunday, July 28, 2013

Review: The Conjuring

Last night, I went to see the highly popular, new horror movie, The Conjuring! 

Let me tell you what I thought:
My final decision on it was that the movie was fantastic! The whole movie was basically the old fashioned scaring, such as lights flickering, doors opening, and clocks stopping.
Apart from all the times the audience jumped from startling moments in the  movie, the whole audience seemed to be enjoying it.
There were many moments during the movie it would leave you waiting what would happen, and have an unexpecting scare.
The movie is rated R, only for the frightening level, and a few words of foul language. Nothing a 13+ year old wouldn't be able to see or hear, though.
In the movie, you see the actual demon a few times, which is very frightening, and leaves the whole audience thowing their popcorn in startle. (Which actually did happen)
But I have to say, if your a fan of horror movies, like The Last Exorcism, or Paranormal Activity, you'd definatly love the adrenalin rush and scare this movies gives you!
I would say not to take anyone under 12 to the movie who isn't used to scary movies!

Let me know what you thought about this movie, or what your opinions of horror movies are! Contact information is on the left sidebar of this blog!

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