Friday, July 19, 2013

Yummy & Healthy: Make your own delicious fruit smoothie!

Eating healthy is important, but it doesn't always taste the best! That is, until you can throw some stuff together to create a fresh fruit smoothie!

I'm going to give you a little recipe that is yummy, healthy, filling, and it will help you keep cool in the summer!

What you'll need:
-1 cup Blueberries
-3 Ladyfinger bananas (sweeter than an orig. banana, but if you can't find them, just use 1 normal banana)
-1 tbsp Chia seeds
-How every much to get texture Almond Milk
-However much to get texture Natural organic yogurt 

What to do:
1. Blend the blueberries, bananas, chia seeds, almond milk & yogurt together.
2. Start off with a little amount of the almond milk & yogurt, and keep adding, as you start to see the texture of the smoothie change. You can make it as thick, or thin as you'd like.
3. You can top it off with blue berried, sliced bananas, or both for additional flavor & fruit.

Have you tried this recipe? Take a photo and send it to us!
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