Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Stormy Day Essentials!

Summer is filled with different weather, and when storms come around, theres not a better day to cozy up with some tea and a movie!

Here are some things to keep by your side on a stormy day:
Candles: If the power goes out, or you just want that rain smell out, use candles! My favorite scents from Bath & Body Works at the moment are: Londons Calling (tea and lemons); Pink Sangria (pink lemonaid); and Cafe Au Lait (cafe). 
Flashlight: Incase the power goes out, use a flashlight. You can get free flashlight apps on smartphones.
Movies: Pick out a few of your favorite movies from Netflix! A couple of my favorites are Keith (available on Netflix), and The Twilight Saga!
Books: Storms are a good time to catch up on some reading! My all-time favorite book is The Fault in Our Stars, which I am on chapter 22. I'll admit, I was crying earlier while reading it.
Snacks: Have your favorite snacks around, like goldfish crackers, popcorn, or fruit snacks! Its okay to eat a little unhealthy every once in a while!
Drinks: On a stormy day, the best cozy drinks you can find are tea or hot cocoa.
Phone: You always need your phone. Keep it by you so you can text your friends and see whats happening! If your out of power, this is a good thing to have for light sources!
Cozy clothes: Jump into some PJs or sweats, and lounge around for the day!

What are your stormy day essentials? Contact us (contact info is on the right hand sidebar of blog) and let us know! Also, send me pics of your stormy days!

Blogger from iPhone

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